Outsmart your digital adversaries

We are first and foremost experts in cybersecurity, safeguarding European companies against cyberthreats and espionage. Our specialists operate on the frontlines of cyberconflicts to help our customers prevent, detect and respond to today’s most advanced adversaries.

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Your challenge

Look up! Look down! Look out!

The foreign interest in EU knowhow, innovation and technology is not only visible through the value of international trade agreements, but also in the increasing cyberthreats and espionage against leading European organizations. 

It’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ they will experience a cyberattack. To prevent, detect and respond to today’s most advanced adversaries, CISO’s are challenged with the development of a coherent and holistic approach, versus the traditional technology and compliance-driven cybersecurity strategies allowing attackers to go undetected whilst moving across systems.

This is where Hunt & Hackett comes in. We support CISO’s throughout Europe in their continuous fight to protect against the most advanced groups of attackers, targeting the crown jewels of their companies, while also safeguarding them from less sophisticated cybercrimes such as phishing and ransomware.

Global threat landscape


Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)


Tactics, Techniques & Procedures (TTPs)


Attack tools

How we can help

We hunt and we hack

We make our customers more resilient against any form of cyberthreat by building, operating and maintaining strong digital immune systems. This enables them to embrace digital transformation whilst protecting their most valuable assets. 

Achieving cybersecurity readiness requires a holistic strategy for prevention, detection and response. A strategy focused on proactively hunting for evidence of existing compromise and proactively hacking for validation and improvement. We combine this to enable our customers to navigate through today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape.

Everything we do is based on the frontline expertise we gain from defending Europe’s most innovative organizations against known and unknown APT groups. Insights from these cases guide and inspire us to push the envelope and to develop new ideas, methods and technologies for assessments, attack simulation, threat intelligence, compromise detection and incident response.

Our approach

Controlling your cybersecurity risks

In their fight against cyber attacks, our customers typically go through several stages of maturity. By ramping up their prevention, detection and incident readiness over time – and optimizing this for their actual threat landscape – they reach a point where they have developed solid resilience against targeted attacks, with only highly controlled and accepted risks remaining.

There is no simple 'fix' to become resilient against the sophisticated cyber threats of today. Without serious resources or processes for systematic security activities, protection against modern cyber threats like ransomware is just a wish. Hunt & Hackett has developed a unique threat- and sector-driven approach to cybersecurity, enabling you to work from your current situation to a highly improved and controlled situation, optimized for your specific threat landscape and context as an organisation.

What makes us different

Shaken. Not stirred.

It’s not our style to stir a bit. We shake up security strategies to build and maintain the strongest possible immune systems. Our specialists operate on the frontlines of cyberconflicts, and we leverage this expertise to develop world-class solutions to protect organizations from what can hurt the most.


Frontline human

Our team of security experts consists out of industry-recognized threat researchers, malware analysts, threat intelligence analysts, threat hunters, data scientists and hackers. They act in the frontlines of cyberconflicts every day, and they love what they are doing.


Our approach to
innovation & tech

With the data and intelligence gathered from our frontline experts we apply data-science techniques to create meaningful insights that guide the design of our solutions and technology. This enables us to address ever-evolving threats and tactics to make our customers more resilient.



We belief in a systems-thinking approach to cyber security. We focus on the way that a system's constituent parts interrelate and work together as a system to form the overall solution. This approach leads to more effective solutions than when technology is applied in isolation.

Your trusted partner

A selection of our innovative clients in various sectors

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Let’s outsmart your digital adversaries now